Headlines – 31 December to 4 January

+++ 4/01 – Lüderitz up in arms against apparently illegal transshipment of manganese ore +++ 4/01 – Namibian police reject criticism of name for Operation Hornkranz against crime +++ 3/01 – Bold robbery on the beach of Swakopmund on New Year’s Day: Three men...

Headlines – 10 to 14 September

+++ 14/09 – Implementation of new procurement act remains under criticism, mainly because of lack of transparency +++ 14/09 – Ahead of land reform conference statistic agency NSA presents figures on land question: About 70 percent of commercial farmland is still in...

Headlines – 23 to 27 April

+++ 27/04 – Now it’s official: The editor-in-chief of the Allgemeine Zeitung, Stefan Fischer, leaves Namibia with his family and moves to Austria +++ 27/04 – Van Zyl’s pass in northwestern Namibia has recently been blocked by a car wreck, making it even...