+++ 14/09 – Implementation of new procurement act remains under criticism, mainly because of lack of transparency
+++ 14/09 – Ahead of land reform conference statistic agency NSA presents figures on land question: About 70 percent of commercial farmland is still in the hands of white farmers
+++ 13/09 – Cabinet and representatives of the regions discuss proposal to limit land ownership for individuals and to expropriate land beyond the limit
+++ 13/09 – No increase in salaries for MPs and other public office bearers until economic situation improves
+++ 12/09 – NamPol chief Ndeitunga pledges thorough investigation of the alleged suicide of a senior NCIS agent who was suspected of corruption
+++ 12/09 – Ministry of Higher Education instructs Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) to withdraw the retrenchment of 44 employees
+++ 11/09 – Brutal assault on tourists from Poland: Unknown force the women on gravel road D 1930 between Uis and Spitzkoppe to stop and rob them
+++ 11/09 – President Geingob calls on traditional leaders not to settle conflicts at taxpayer’s expense in court, but in the traditional way
+++ 10/09 – Peaceful protest march through Katutura: 500 people call for an end to violence against children
+++ 10/09 – Landless People’s Movement (LPM) in the south of Namibia applies to electoral commission for registration as political party
This is a selection of the headlines of the news stories about Namibia that Bush Telegraph Namibia contributes on weekdays to the morning news (“Nachrichten am Morgen”) of the German language private radio station Hitradio Namibia in Windhoek.
Full news stories on Hitradio Namibia (in German only).
Current reports (weekdays):
Allgemeine Zeitung (German); Namibian, Namibian Sun and New Era (English); Republikein (Afrikaans)