+++ 20/07 – Investigation of questionable imports from China to Namibia: Auditing firm KPMG finds evidence not only of tax evasion, but also of money laundering worth billions

+++ 20/07 – Policy research institute IPPR warns: Government procurement less transparent since implementation of the new procurement act

+++ 19/07 – Ministry of Works and Transport denounces skyrocketing costs in road construction: Namibia pays more than twice as much per kilometer of bitumen road as neighboring countries

+++ 19/07 – UN Aids report states Namibia as one of the few countries that have achieved the goals set by the United Nations in the fight against AIDS

+++ 18/07 – State owned transport company TransNamib announces major changes to “drive” out of the red

+++ 18/07 – Namibia receives further 186 million Namibia Dollar from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) for climate change adaptation measures

+++ 17/07 – German development bank KfW appears to be holding back funds for a multi-million community development programme until allegations of corruption against a senior official are clarified

+++ 17/07 – Finance minister Schlettwein rejects media reports stating Namibia being dependent on loans from China

+++ 16/07 – President Geingob praises late veteran politician Gurirab as giant in the struggle for independence

+++ 16/07 – Launch of the opening of the Tsau //Khaeb National Park between Lüderitz and Oranje River for tourists: Environment minister Shifeta performs groundbreaking ceremony for park entrance at Kolmanskop

This is a selection of the headlines of the news stories about Namibia that Bush Telegraph Namibia contributes on weekdays to the morning news (“Nachrichten am Morgen”) of the German language private radio station Hitradio Namibia in Windhoek.

Full news stories on Hitradio Namibia (in German only).

Current reports (weekdays):
Allgemeine Zeitung (German); Namibian, Namibian Sun and New Era (English); Republikein (Afrikaans)