Jun 18, 2021 | News, Travel
German authorities abated the hopes of the Namibian travel industry for a restart of tourism in mid-June. The country was declared a virus variant area with effect from June 20. They did not disclose the name of the Corona virus variant. So far, only isolated cases of...
Jun 14, 2021 | News, Travel
The Namibian government is tightening its measures against the spread of the corona virus. They are initially valid until June 30th. However, tourists can still enter and drive through the country. General measures The greater Windhoek area, a hotspot with more than...
Jan 2, 2021 | News, Travel
Websites about the current status concerning Corona situation and travel regulations: CORONA SITUATION IN NAMIBIA AND COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/namibia/ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries...