Jun 8, 2021 | Nature, News, Travel
. In Namibia, a case of rhino poaching has sparked a storm of indignation. In the private nature reserve of Ghaub in the Otavi Mountains in northern central Namibia, poachers killed two white rhino cows and a calf in mid-May. They hacked off the horns of a cow....
Apr 14, 2020 | Background, News, Travel
During the recession and drought, tourism was one of the last sectors that gave impetus to the economy of Namibia. Measures against the spread of COVID-19 are flooring this sector. When it will rise again is written in the stars. After the main flight connections to...
Jun 15, 2018 | Background, News, Travel
In the Kuiseb Canyon near the gravel road from Windhoek to Walvis Bay, a German motorhome traveler was attacked by a leopard at night. At the beginning of April, Hardy Specker (61) and his wife Petra Windmeisser (60) parked their camper van near the Kuiseb Bridge to...
May 24, 2018 | Z - Story for client
Wire snares of poachers reduced the number of mountain zebras living on the neighbouring farm. One animal after the other suffered a painful death. The remaining four zebras, including a foal, were now brought to safety by Ghaub – with the help of a helicopter and a...